How We Can Help You
For Parents
M.E Support Northern Ireland was first established by a parent with an 11 year-old with M.E. This has allowed us to gain a special understanding of what you may be experiencing. Having an ill child in the family can be a huge challenge and while there is no treatment for M.E, most young people do recover.
It is important to be as informed as possible about the effects of M.E and understand what helps recovery. We would encourage you to attend our support group to talk to other parents who have similar experiences. This can provide a huge source of comfort, as well as practical information.
For more information, see our section on What is M.E?.

Your child’s education will have to take a backseat to their health. This has been found to consistently create the best results in the long run.

Set up a meeting with your child’s school to ensure that they are kept up to date with the latest goings-on with your child’s health.
Ensure That You Are Prepared For Any Such Meeting
- Have copies of all relevant medical evidence & correspondence between yourself and the school
- Ensure that the school is aware of the effects of your child’s illness
- Make sure your child’s opinion is taken into consideration
- Agree a plan of action moving forward
- Take notes (or ask for minutes to be taken) and ensure everyone is clear on what has been agreed
- It is worth taking someone else with you to these meetings for support.
Our report on Children with M.E should be read by everyone involved in your child’s education.
For more information, read our section on “Teachers”
Child Protection
A number of parents have found themselves being investigated by social services, usually due the length of time their child has been absent from school.
Not one investigation known to M.E Support Northern Ireland has resulted in any findings against the family.
Contact us for more information if you find yourself the target of one of these investigations.

Health Care M.E Support Northern Ireland’s Patron Dr Nigel Speight is a Consultant Paediatrician who has an interest in M.E. We have a range of materials for doctors to help them best treat their young patients.
We would highly recommend a copy of “ME/CFS/PVFS An Exploration of the Key Clinical Issues” by Dr C Shepard & Dr A Chaudhuri
For more information, see our “What is M.E?” & “You and Your GP”
Benefits and social car
There are a range of child specific benefits available for your child depending on their age and your household income including
- Child tax credit
- Housing allowance
- Carers allowance
- Council Tax relief
These benefits are vital for many families with sick children especially if one or more members of your household has had to leave work or reduce their hours.
There are a range of third sector services to help you through these processes & M.E Support Northern Ireland has a dedicated Benefits Advisor for our members. Contact us at: